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7 Films: Harun Farocki

15 December - 15 February 2013

Harun Farocki is one of Germany’s most respected film directors, artists, and authors, with more than a hundred films to his credit. Harun Farocki’s so-called essay films examine artistic production, image perception, and how the very medium of film can be deconstructed and used to explore how an audiovisual culture relates to the conceptual frameworks and existential thematics of technology, politics, and war.

Harun Farocki's strong influence on the history of the political film since the late 60s is undeniable. This historical introduction of Farocki in Cyprus includes screenings of Videograms of a Revolution, Farocki's iconic collaboration with Andrei Ujica concerning the 1989 Romanian revolution, and other important premieres such as Workers Leaving the Factory, a compilation of archival film reels commenting on the Lumière Brothers early, first film experiment, and A Day In the Life of A Consumer, an epic portrait of consumer society constructed entirely from advertisements.

Farocki's great importance to the visual arts has been seen reflected in retrospective exhibitions in major art institutions like Tate Modern London and the Jeu de Paume Paris (2009), Kunsthaus Bregenz (2010), Museum of Modern Art New York (2012), and in his participation in the Documenta in 1997 and 2007.

The artist will gave a presentation in connection to the opening ceremony Saturday December 15.

The compilation of films entitled "7 films: Harun Farocki" has been organised by Mats Stjernstedt, director Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo and Andre Zivanari, director of Point Centre for Contemporary Art.

The films that will be screened at Point are:
Inextinguishable Fire, 25 mins, 1969
As You See, 72 mins, 1986
Images of the War and the Inscription of War, 75 mins, 1988
Workers Leaving the Factory, 36 mins, 1995
How to Live in the German Federal Republic, 83 mins, 1990
Videograms of a Revolution, 102 mins, 1992
A Day In the Life of A Consumer, 44 mins, 1993



We would like to express our gratitude to the Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo and to the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus.

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