Snapshot with children from the Eleneio School during Point’s educational programme for Yiannis Christofides’s The Blind Ear sound installation.
Art and Education
Workshop: Friday, 15 May 2015, 16:00 – 19:00
Opening of Parallel Exhibitions: Friday, 22 May 2015, 20:00
International Conference: Friday 22 May - Saturday 23 May 2015
Informational Package Online Launch : Sunday 31 May 2015
Exhibitions duration: 22.05.2015 - 28.06.2015
In May and June 2015 Point Centre for Contemporary Art presents a multifaceted programme including two parallel exhibitions, an international conference, and aseries of events around the theme Art and Education.
Friday 15 May 2015, 16:00 – 19:00
Workshop: Collective reconsiderations in local museum education
by the Point-Eleneio Educational Team and Despo Pashia. In Greek language.
Friday, 22 May 2015, 20:00
Opening of Parallel Exhibitions -Wine will be offered in the garden.
Fragments: Thoughts and expressions of art education processes - A research installation
The exhibition engages with visual pedagogic methodologies, and draws attention to the topic of visual art education. It has been formed through an open call for participation, gathering different voices and developing a framework for reflection on learning and art.
Point - Eleneio
Taking off from contemporary critical dialogue around inter-cultural school environments and social engagement in the arts, the Point-Eleneio programme investigates the possibilities for relationship-building between art centres and schools. The programme is a collaboration between Point Centre and the Eleneio School, and is funded by EEA Grants.
Friday 22 and Saturday 23 May 2015
International Conference | Contemporary Museum and Gallery Education Practices:Local Communities meet Global Narratives (in English language)
The Conference includes a number of selected presentations from notable international scholars, researchers, and museum education practitioners. Keynotes by Viv Golding of Leicester University, UK, and Jessica Gogan from the Institute MESA, Rio De Janeiro. Accompanying workshops by Julie Carmean from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, and Re Aphrodite, feat. Despo Pashia. The conference is organized by the Point-Eleneio educational team in collaboration with the Fine Arts Programme of the University of Nicosia, funded by EEA Grants, and supported the Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology. Click here for the Programme, the Conference Description, and Registration.
Sunday, 31 May 2015
Online launch of Informational Package on art education for the local community at http://artedupractices.org
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 11:00 -18:00
Saturday: 11:00-15:00
*Τhe exhibition can also be viewed by appointment outside opening hours.